Our Services
What We Do
Our highly skilled and trained Chiropractors are brain-based and nervous-system Chiropractors. That means, they look at you beyond your symptoms.
Chiropractic is not the treatment of conditions or disease; rather, Chiropractic is the restoration of normal body function. Our Chiropractors support nervous system function by delivering very specific and gentle chiropractic adjustments to the spine - to reduce stress related spinal subluxations that may cause nervous system interference to enhance body expression.
Our Chiropractors understand that symptoms may be a result of chronic dis-ease and nervous system interferences such as things that we can see and feel like our muscles, but it can also affect things that we can’t see and feel, like our internal organs and how things are functioning inside the body
At Restore Studio, our Chiropractors do a thorough nervous system and brain based assessment to determine where there is nervous system dysfunction. Every system in the body, including circulatory, digestive, eliminatory, hormonal, glandular, immunological, muscular, reproductive, respiratory, and skeletal - depends on the optimal function of the nervous system
Research shows that prenatal chiropractic care may contribute to a more straightforward labor with less pain and trauma for mother and child. It may improve the balance and alignment of the spine and pelvis and provide a more comfortable pregnancy and delivery for mother and baby.
By restoring balance to the nervous system through gentle + specific nervous system-centered chiropractic adjustments, optimal function is restored therefore supporting the needs of your baby throughout pregnancy.
Our Chiropractors at Restore Studio have extensive training in prenatal and pregnancy Chiropractic care. Our team of Chiropractors are certified Webster Practitioners from International Chiropractic Paediatric Association (ICPA), and strongly believe it if you’re under care during pregnancy, your Chiropractor should be certified in Webster Technique.
We are listed as one of the three PX Doc practices in Australia — the best network of neurologically focused chiropractors in the world for paediatrics.
Being listed on this directory amongst some of the best in the world, highlights our level of expertise for natural healing and places us among some of the best experts in our field.
The PX Docs is an organization of compassionate, experienced Hope Dealers and Care Providers unlike the world has ever seen.
We are experts in Pediatric, Prenatal, and Family Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care. Our group of doctors fills a gap in the health care system that few families are even told exists.
Our Process
At Restore Chiropractic Studio, we utilise a comprehensive 5-step clinical process, combining thorough assessments with evidence-based practices. Our care and recommendations are tailored specifically to you, focusing on neurological health and brain-based care to ensure personalized, effective treatment.
Our Chiropractors will dive deep into you or your child’s case history unlike any other professional out there, really listening and taking the time to find the root causes of your health challenges. You will notice we practice differently from a lot of other practitioners, and feel our deep level of care and passion for your health. It may be the first time you have really felt heard and understood by a health practitioner, and this is something many of our patients report.
During the first visit we deep dive into the function of the central nervous system, using state-of-the-art technology called INSiGHT Scans. The scans consist of three (3) individual scans that will find, measure, and quantify how much stress and tension may be stuck in the autonomic nervous system. Our Chiropractors will also perform Functional Brain Testing to get a better insight into how you or your child’s brain and central nervous system are regulating important functions such as movement, balance, coordination & posture.
We understand there is no one size fits all approach to health. Every individual is unique. After the Initial Consult, your Chiropractor will take time to review your individual case history, INSiGHT Scans & functional brain testing. This allows us to recommend a fully personalised and customised care plan (frequency and duration of adjustments) for you and your family
This is our favourite visit! This is when your Chiropractor gets to tell you exactly what’s going on and give you a clear action plan to get your health back on track! At this visit we will go over your INSIGHT scans, Postural Analysis, Neuro-structural Testing & any other testing from the Initial Consult. This is the visit where we get to answer every single one of your questions and concerns!
Let the healing begin! Chiropractic adjustments are safe, gentle and work to relieve the tension and stress from the nervous system! We know that some people will be a little nervous for their first chiropractic adjustment, but for most people they are immediately put at ease by how gentle neurologically- focused family chiropractic care is.